JKPC is a full service law firm, and gives specialized advice on legal, fiscal and financial matters to individuals and companies. JKPC offers clients a constructive and practical approach in providing solutions.
It works closely with each client to understand the practical aspects of the client’s requirements. In this way, the firm is able to analyze client problems and provide practical advice and services. JKPC skills are particularly suited to the needs of those clients who demand quick and specialized professional services alongside partner-level attention and expertise.
We expertise in services like:
- Litigations
- Drafting of various Deeds, Documents, Agreements, MOUs, Wills, for various transactional, business and family arrangements
- Documentation And Registration for Properties
- Intellectual property right services.
- Contract review, amendments and proofing.
- Litigation support, discovery and document processings.
- General research and review.
Area Of Practice:
- Arbitration Matters
- Alternative Disputes Resolutions
- Banking Law Cases
- Business Law
- Business Law Litigation
- Legal Process Outsourcing
- Civil Dispute Matters
- Corporate Law Services
- Constitutional Law
- Commercial Law
- Criminal Law
- Criminal Trial &Bail
- Copyright and Trademark
- Consumer Law
- Credit and Creditors Right
- Customs Law
- Contract Law
- Debt Recovery/ Debt Collection
- Drugs Law
- Divorce and Family Law
- Education Law
- Employment Law
- Estate & Property Law
- Environment Law
- Enforcement of Judgments
- Financial Service Law
- Insurance Law
- International Law
- Injunctions Law
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Money Recovery Suits
- Non Litigations Legal Work
- Taxation Law
- Trade Laws
- Will and Probates